Facilitate discovery of the True nature of every person I work with, so they can appreciate and accept their needs and make choices that uphold their Body, Mind and Soul.


    Value each individual’s inner capacity to Heal into Wholeness.


    Cultivate and increase awareness of internal Light and Healing potential.


    Be True to ourselves and others.


    Provide inspiration and support in order to generate Self-awareness, Self-healing and Self-growth.

  • Scheduling

    I've done my best to make scheduling easy for you.

    Let me welcome you to my new online scheduling system. This booking system allows you to easily book and cancel appointments. Simply click on the "Click Here to Schedule" button at the top-right of my website's desktop screen or press the "Schedule" button located at the bottom-right of your cell phone's screen. On my booking site, you will be able to view my availability and request your preferred appointment. I will review the request and send you a confirmation. Alternately, after viewing my schedule availabilities, feel free to text me on my office line to request your appointment time:

    (805) 458-3903.



    About Dr. Julianna Englund, ND, LAc

    Body-Mind-Soul Educator

    Dr. Julianna Englund
    I’m Dr. Julianna Englund. I am a dually licensed naturopathic doctor, acupuncturist and Body-Mind-Soul educator.

    What I'm About:

    • Providing high quality health promoting services and education

    • Assisting and supporting Self-care practices for an improved quality of life

    • Promoting awareness of each individual’s inherent Self-healing potential

    • Providing opportunities to experience unity of Body-Mind-Soul


    Over the years I have used many natural types of medicine for my own healing and growth. I have had many adventures in various types of bodywork, counseling, travel, and the ups and downs of life. These experiences have shaped me both personally and professionally.


    My practice has evolved since I received all of my medical training at Bastyr University in Seattle, WA and mentorships with special teachers, including Dr Jean Yu (with her blessing, I took over her practice in 2012 and worked at East West Natural Medicine Center for moe than 10 years. I now provide acupuncture services at Central Coast Body Therapy Center in Los Osos, CA.


    I practice mind-body-soul medicine. My goal is that every patient I meet feels heard and that I address their needs to the best of my abilities. While I am not taking new naturopathic doctor patients at this time, I do provide acupuncture and modified craniosacral appointments. When it comes to relieving physical pain, I practice an orthopedic-style of acupuncture and incorporate cupping, trigger points, physical therapy exercises and myofascial massage techniques. I come from a very hands-on, progressive and integrated medical school and I incorporate the understanding of the human body that I learned there. Plus, I’ve had several types of doctors as teachers including doctors trained in China, Chiropractors, ND’s and MD’s.


    Besides acupuncture, I also offer another more energeticapproach that I call “modified craniosacral.” I love practicing my own form of healing work that incorporates all my training in qigong, acupuncture and craniosacral principles/techniques.

    Most of all, I enjoy the diversity of my work and helping others. I learn so much from witnessing each individual's unique experiences and restoring well-being to the best of my ability. At this point in my career, what I undoubtedly Know, is that I am here to serve others and to help with my greatest capacity, even if that sometimes means that I refer a patient to another practitioner that can help better than I can. My training, mentors and practice have filled me with great respect for the human condition and my intention is to always act with integrity and respect and help every patient find their way.


    I hope you will find your way to me. Please check out my class offerings below and see me there. I am also happy to see you for acupuncture or craniosacral work. To Schedule, click the "Click Here to Schedule" button at the top of your desktop screen or press the "Schedule" button on the bottom of your cell phone screen.

    Dr Julianna Englund

    Education & Accreditation

    If you are curious about my training:

    • Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University
    • Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Bastyr University
    • Chinese herbal medicine certificate, Bastyr University
    • Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, Cal Poly State University
    • Yi Ren® Qigong Certified Instructor, Institute of Qigong & Integrative Medicine
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    Naturopathic Doctor Services

    I apologize, but I am not accepting new naturopathic doctor patients at this time.

  • My Acupuncture and Modified-Craniosacral Offerings

    At this time, I am only accepting new patients for acupuncture and craniosacral appointments. I tend to use acupuncture for stress; fertility enhancement; and pain conditions that have a muscle component. As one of the only doctors in the area who is also an acupuncturist, I provide my patients with an orthopedic-style acupuncture. I help a lot of people who suffer from sciatic, back and neck pain as well as those struggling with fertility problems and mind-body imbalance.

    Acupuncture treatment


    What a typical acupuncture visit includes:

    • Intake and physical exam
    • Acupuncture with or without electric-stimulation (aka TENS)- Note: the e-stim device is often used for pain relief appointments but, of course, I do not use this on sensitive patients, patients with electronic devices, nor for fertility/relaxation.
    • Cupping
    • Target-area Therapeutic massage
    My doctor-level acupuncture treatments for pain, fertility and stress/other problems go beyond just acupuncture. I offer a variety of skilled expertise during every visit, including evaluation, targeted area massage and/or craniosacral therapy and recovery recommendations. I build these into my visits so those suffering from pain or who need help relaxing will experience more immediate relief and find a solution. In order to provide a comprehensive service, visits often take 70-90 minutes.
    Time of service cost: $140 for a New Patient visit; $120 for all follow up visits
    To Schedule, click the "Click Here to Schedule" button at the top of your desktop screen or press the "Schedule" button on the bottom of your cell phone screen.



    I do not accept insurance. However, upon request, I am happy to provide you with a superbill which allows you to easily bill your own insurance and receive reimbursement directly.

    massage therapy

    What I excel at in treating with acupuncture

    • Muscle and joint pain (back, neck, shoulder, etc.)
    • Headaches (especially tension headaches)
    • Chronic pain
    • After muscle injury from any accident
    • New onset Bell’s Palsy
    • General wellbeing/Energetic Balancing
    • Stress relief
    • Infertility/IVF support
    Healing Light with Hands
    Craniosacral therapy (CST)

    Modified Craniosacral therapy (CST)

    Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on technique where I use light touch to examine the body’s fascia and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system. I use gentle techniques to release restrictions within the connective tissue system to release stored tension that sometimes also contain memories and emotions. This subtle treatment promotes feelings of well-being by eliminating stored tensions and rebalancing the nervous system.


    Who do I use CST for:
    My form of modified CST benefits people who are looking to deepen their sense of body-mind-spirit balance and understanding. This treatment is great for people who are stressed, have emotional disturbance or who generally enjoy a very light touch body work that helps them relax into a sense of peacefulness.


    What to expect:
    During the treatment, you will lie on a massage table on your back. You may wish to be covered with a sheet or blanket, even though you will remain fully clothed. The relaxing nature of the treatment may make you feel a little colder or warmer than usual. I first palpate (i.e. examine the CST rhythm by touch) by placing my hands on your head, sacrum and possibly other areas, such as your ankles. You may be asked to shift your body slightly from time to time, but there is no other way that you need to be involved except to relax and enjoy the treatment. I use a very gentle, light touch and may move your head periodically as I hold my hands at the different bones of the skull, back, hips, joints or body parts (excluding private parts). Light pressure will be applied to release any restrictions discovered.
    There are no surprises and there should be no discomfort. Please communicate any discomfort at once, should you experience it, so I can adjust the pressure or location of my hands.


    You may feel yourself drifting off into a very relaxed state or even into a sound sleep. This is normal and you should allow yourself this level of relaxation. Occasionally, individuals have emotive experiences with CST treatment, which is all part of the process of releasing restrictions. The entire treatment can take anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes, depending on how extensive it needs to be. I am always happy to explain to you afterwards what restrictions I’ve encountered and what releases were attempted/obtained, if you wish to know. You may feel a little lightheaded, or “spacey”, following the treatment, but you will, most likely, feel very relaxed. It is a good idea to clear your schedule after the treatment to ensure the integration of your relaxed experience into your everyday life.


    Craniosacral Services Cost: (70-80 minutes): $165.00

  • Classes and Events

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    Back to Center: Setting Intention for Self-Care in 2023

    Come join this New Year Self-Care Event hosted by Central Coast Body Therapy Center in Los Osos, CA. This event has been Heartfully designed to provide space and activities for participants to realize and set their Self-Care intentions for 2023. Movement, Meditation and Reflective activities will flow 14 participants into deep connection with their Being. From this centered and integral place, intentions will be set into motion.


    Includes healthy lunch, snacks, teas/drinks (catered by Bliss Café) and a personalized flower essence blend.

    Cost: $125. Last day to sign up is January 13, 2022. Payments in the form of cash or check are due by January 13, 2023 to Julianna Englund. Payments can be mailed or dropped off to CCBTC.


    The Detailed Schedule:

    8:30-9am: Opening Ceremony with Julianna (Opening the Space)

    9:00-10:15am: Yoga with Cynthia (Waking up, Centering and Grounding the Body)

    10:15-10:30am: Snack (Community Connection and Conversation)

    10:30-11:30am: 6 Basics for Self-Care Exploration (Exploring the 6 Tenets of Self-Care Practices)

    11:30-12:00pm: Art and Journaling

    12:00-1:00pm: Lunch (provided by Bliss Café)

    1:00-1:30: Qigong meditation (Back to Center for Intention Focus)

    1:30-2:30pm: Mandala of Needs with Joan (Realizing and Reclaiming Unmet Needs)

    2:30-2:45pm: Snack (Community Connection and Conversation)

    2:45-3:45pm: Sound Bath with Sean (Clearing the Dissonant Thoughts/Energies and Rooting Realized Self-Care Intentions)

    3:45-4:00pm: Art and Journaling

    4:00-4:30pm: Conversation and Harvesting (Grounding 2023 Self-Care Intentions into the Present)

    4:30-5:00pm: Creation of Flower Essence Blend (Individualized Blend Supports and Reminds Participants of their Self-Care Practices and Intentions for 2023)

    5:00-5:30pm: Closing Ceremony (Closing the Space/Self-Care Meditation led by Julianna)




    Qigong Class at sunset

    Ongoing Qigong classes: Move your Qi Seasonally: resuming soon

    Upcoming dates will be listed here soon.

    Join my class for quieting the mind and consciousness transformation through still and moving meditation postures, breathing techniques and visualization.

    Courses focus on empowering the Qi-Body and associated meridians based on the season. For example, Fall classes may include the following:

    - Calming the mind.

    - Awakening the qi energy system.

    - Empowering the parasympathetic nervous system for healing.

    - Activating the lung, clearing of disharmony (especially stored grief, sadness and regret) and strengthening the organ on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

    - Activating the large intestine, clearing of disharmony (including unhealthy thoughts/emotions, despair and hopelessness) and strengthening the organ on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

    - Using the Fall season to empower the lungs and large intestines virtues (compassion, dignity, detachment and forgiveness) for overall health/energy refinement.

    Qi - vital life energy image

    What is Yi Ren® Qigong:

    In general, qigong is a traditional Chinese medicine system that tracks energy flow through combined practices of breath work, movement and meditation. Regular practice of these techniques develops a thorough sense of well-being through awareness of “Qi,” or vital life energy, that lives within and around us. This system is designed to support practitioners to live in a more balanced and health-affirming way: physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually.


    “The Yi Ren® system of Qigong is designed to support an individual in the exploration and expression of the intelligence and wisdom already within the body. It helps one become consciously aware of, and understand the body’s functions at different levels, including energetic, informational, emotional, subconscious and collective unconscious levels. A regular and disciplined practice of YRQ helps individuals increase harmony within Qi-Mind-Body-Soul, which leads to self-knowledge, self-healing, self-care, self-realization, self-mastery, and self-fulfillment.” “With regular YiRen Qigong studies and practice, practitioners become increasingly aware of energy flow and interactions in the physical body, and in the living environment, and start to live in accord with the Dao, the laws in nature.”

    (copied and pasted from the Institute where I was trained: https://www.iqim.org/about/about-yi-ren-qigong/)



    Suitable for ages 14 and up and for most fitness levels. Participation requires the ability to stand for at least 45 minutes, bend at hips and move arms over the head.


    When: Coming soon.s. Use Promo code TryForFree to try the class for free!

    cozy self care with journal, tea, flowers and candle

    Self-Care and Boundaries Course (Zoom):

    Course Description:

    Come back to Balance and deepen your sense of your True Self with this 2-part series coming soon. This series is limited to a small group of participants to allow for comfortable discussion of our tender topics. Group participation is encouraged (for there is so much we can learn from one another's experience!), however not at all required. What is required is that you come with an open heart and mind. Your willingness to widen your perspective of yourself will empower your ability to bring your life into greater balance and with revived attention to your self care and boundaries.


    Our first session: focuses on looking deeply into ourselves, our personalities and how our individual dispositions interact with our external worlds and relationships. By empowering these understandings, we are then better able to sense when we are falling out of balance. While deepening our understandings of our True natures, we will further explore our personal boundaries- their importance to our self-fulfillment and what it feels like when they are being transgressed. We will dive deep into refining our personal boundaries and empathy skills based on what we know about our personalities and tendencies.


    Our second session: holds space for reflecting upon and deepening our first session learnings. With clearer understanding of ourselves, our strengths and areas for growth, we create meaningful and practical boundary enhancement strategies and self-care routines.


    Personality types/constitutions, healthy empathy skills, boundaries maintenance and protection strategies and self-care plan development will all be explored and more. Facilitated discussions, meditations, journaling and other exercises designed to enhance each class learning will be offered to help participants assimilate the mind "ah-ha’s" with their bodies for energy enhancement and inner balance.

    a variety of herbs and essential oils

    Introduction to Essential Oils Course

    Course Description:

    This is an all day 8-hour course for essential oil lovers who want to know more about aromatherapy and common essential oil medicinal uses. In this class, students will learn about the production and application of various essential oils. Students will learn the healing qualities of 12 common essential oils, their uses and how to safely incorporate them into their health routines.


    Course Objectives:

    • To understand essential oil production and qualities of purity
    • To understand several methods of application
    • To experience several common essential oils and learn their healing properties
    • To explore the benefits of specific essential oils in aiding common complaints using oil properties and Chinese medical balancing theory
    • To comprehend the contraindications associated with the common essential oils discussed in class

    Course Materials: Course handouts will be provided

  • Testimonials

    What my students and patients are saying...

    Rita M. in CA

    I have had the honor and privilege of participating in a couple of Dr. Julianna’s Englund’s classes and I want more!!! At 40 years old, I can hands down say her knowledge, insightfulness and demeanor have made her a TRULY memorable teacher. I have found her to intently listen to each individual student making them feel heard and important while offering invaluable knowledge. Although I have loved all of my classes with Dr. Englund, my most memorable class was her self-care and boundary weekend seminar. I truly believe what was shared are lifelong skills should be taught to EVERY person before graduating high school (but are unfortunately not). After taking this class, I was so much more aware of my limits and just so glad excited to share everything I learned with everyone around me!! Thank you helping me with my journey, Dr. Englund!!!!

    June B. in CA

    I was not sure what to expect when I first came to see Dr. Julianna Englund for acupuncture treatments. Immediately, Julianna’s good nature, compassion, and attentiveness put me at ease. She really listened to my complaints and concerns and I could feel she really wanted to help me. The calm and relaxation that comes over me during my acupuncture treatments is nothing like I have felt before. For lack of better words, I can only describe it as a meditative state where I can not tell where my body ends and the acupuncture table begins. It has truly helped me de-stress and bring a sense of balance back into my life. Anyone who is considering acupuncture should really give it a try. She possesses all the traits you would hope for in a health care practitioner. She is caring and supportive as well as knowledgeable and skilled. Dr. Julianna Englund is very attentive in listening to your concerns and assessing your mind and body. She took the time to explore my overall health and well-being, leaving me felt heard in my health concerns. With Julianna’s help I am sure anyone can achieve their wellness goals, whatever they may be.

    Jen K. in CA

    I have been treated by Dr. Juliana for the past few months for neck, shoulder, and back pain. I'm so glad I went there, I always looked forward to each session because I knew I would be treating myself to the best pain relief and a really good session. I would give her a million stars if I could!!! She has been attentive to my needs for each session and afterwards I leave her office feeling pain free and really mellow, like I could take a nap for days. She is truly gifted and much appreciated. She is very kind and really made me feel comfortable in her office and on her table. I don't hope to need more treatments but if I did I would definitely go back to her office. Office staff are also very kind and with a calming atmosphere.

    Nik D. in CA

    I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Julianna Englund for many years. It is not enough to say she is an effective practitioner as she is also a keen listener, a thoughtful presence and above all a master of her craft. Her treatments are always distinctive and never routine. She is capable of comprehensive wellness plans or simple, sustainable methods to support wellbeing. She has never once seemed hurried or distracted and her work consistently brings me a sense of increased inner balance, deeper wellbeing, and/or physical recovery. I’m always amazed at how working with Dr. Englund continues to evolve. It’s an honor to be included in her community of care.

    Mitch O. in CA

    I was working in San Luis Obispo and had some severe pain from a past injury that hit me really hard. I asked around and searched for acupuncture in SLO and found Dr. Englund and the East West Natural Medicine Center. My experience here was so wonderful and my pain went away after treatment. I would recommend Dr. Englund and East West Natural Medicine Center to anyone in SLO needing acupuncture or natural medicine treatment for chronic pain and other ailments. So friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. Thank you!!

    Bridget T. in CA

    I was not new to acupuncture before I found Dr. Julianna Englund. I will never forget our first meeting, she listened. Truly listened! After all these years as her patient, she is still present and listening. But what has changed, she feels like a friend. Recently I have been seeing Dr. Englund for recovery after a recent knee surgery. After struggling for a year, she has gotten me on the path of recovery. She is truly a healer. I can't thank her enough! I'm almost ready to run with my Grandchildren again!

    Hilery S. in CA

    Dr. Julianne Englund is one of those rare gems of the Central Coast. She is a consummate professional with an extensive knowledge of Acupuncture and Naturopathic Medicine. That combination of her knowledge and talents, coupled with excellent personal care makes me feel like I am the only patient that she has. The only one that matters when she is with me. She has taken the time to work with me to truly understand what I need from her to heal.
    Working with Dr. Englund on my health is the best decisions have ever made.

    Jessica T. in CA

    Dr. Englund has been helping me with my rotator cuff and subsequent frozen shoulder pain for about 7-8 months now. She is very knowledgeable in her practice and really listens to her patients. She tailors each session to any changes or progress you've made and I feel like she really cares about getting you to a better place. She has been there for me in some really difficult painful times and each month I'm experience more pain free days!! It's been a long road of recovery and these sessions have given me hope of returning to normalcy some day.

    Chris R. in CA

    Scared of acupuncture? Fear no more as Dr Englund is the consummate professional. I was referred to acupuncture by a world class back surgeon in Los Angeles. Living in SLO I decided to give it a try locally. The treatment solved my foot numbness and greatly improved the numbness in my leg. This is not a cure all, but with PT, exercise and acupuncture, you are on the right path especially with Dr Englund.

    Jennifer A. in CA

    Dr. Julianna Englund is the most kind, knowledgeable, patient, comforting person! She is modest yet brilliant and knows her practice. This was my first time and I was referred by a friend of my husbands. I couldn't be more thrilled about my experience. I have already scheduled for another appointment next week. I suffer from migraines and tension headaches. I woke up with a headache this morning and after my appointment I am already feeling much better! I strong recommend Julianna over any other in SLO.

    Christine G. in CA

    Dr. Julianna Englund is amazing! She is very kind, knowledgeable and intuitive. I visit the office for tight muscles and stress relief. I leave the office floating on air. I feel more relaxed after my acupuncture session than after a massage. You feel relaxed walking into the office and the treatment rooms are peaceful and pleasant. Dr. Julianna Englund is GREAT!!

    R.A. in CA

    Dr. Julianna is an incredibly gifted and talented, educated, knowledgeable, and caring medical professional. I had never been treated with such a meticulous and attentive quality of care, until I came to her office.

    Dr. Julianna is unique in the medical field because in addition to being knowledgeable and experienced, she truly takes the time to educate and empower her patients. Her natural state of being is healing, comforting, and embodies the best qualities in a human being and medical professional.

    I hope others are blessed with the opportunity to learn from her and be treated by her.

  • Contact Dr. Julianna Englund, ND, LAc

    To Request an appointment: click on "Click Here to Schedule" website button, or cell phone "Schedule" button, or follow this link: https://app.squarespacescheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=26167943

    Central Coast Body Therapy Center:
    2005 9th St, Suite A, Los Osos, CA 93402
    Mondays: 9am-5:00 PST
    Tuesday: 9am-5pm PST
    Wednesday: 9am-3pm PST
    805-458-3903 (text or leave message)
  • The Mind, Body, Soul Healing Blog

    Expansive articles and healing reflections...

    Written by: Dr. Julianna Englund, ND, LAc  Zea mays (Corn Silk)  The soft, threadlike corn...
    Written by: Dr. Julianna Englund, ND, LAc Cold and darkness predominate Winter. Our human...
    Written by: Dr. Julianna Englund An ancient Chinese medicine text called the Huang Di Nei Jing...
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